Friday, July 24, 2009

aglow II

a series of photos taken of micah using quadtones. these photos were shot originally in color. location of the shoot was outside the house of my friend dr m in chicago.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


i discovered quadtones in one of my readings. sort of tried it on one of my photos and i liked it. it definitely will stay.

i took this photo during one of the gatherings amongst friends celebrating the birthday of bea. i saw micah playing gleefully with michelle with the light source coming from the open doorway and the light bouncing off the floor. this photo was originally taken in color and i decided to convert it to black and white and topped it off with a quadtone finish. the effect is truly amazing.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

flowers, state of louisiana

one of the luxuries i have in this vacation is focusing on one of my hobbies -- the click hobby, so to speak. one sunny afternoon at the house of my mother-in-law in the state of louisiana, i took hold of my camera and just sort of like let things adrift -- walked around the house and was mesmerized with the flower garden made colorful with the flowers in full bloom. i am not really a flower photo shooter but this is one subject that is easy to tackle and hands down provides full satisfaction.