Saturday, September 27, 2008

reposting pic...

it never ceases to amaze me how photos can be manipulated to suit one's taste... here is one that i posted previously which i worked on further... looking so different from its original... using ps3.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

phnom penh street scene...

in one of those trips... going out of phnom penh on our way to my work base at the border of cambodia and thailand... again... ready to take shots... this time its with my nikon D80.

my hair at its longest...

nobody liked it...

but my stubbornness prevailed... photo taken two years ago.

and that was it.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

saturday tennis play ...

it has always been a routine for the past two years that whenever i am in the capital city of cambodia - phnom penh - i would always play tennis with the the filipino tennis playing group at VIP Sports Club or if there are special events whereby we cant use the place, there is always an alternative court at bassac city homes. a resident of the place is a good friend of one of the tennis players.

its always fun...

Friday, September 12, 2008

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

temple out of nowhere...

ever since i came to a full realization that the project i am handling is finally finishing in three months time - i make it a point that i have my camera at hand ready to take shots of scenery that i find interesting. my point and shoot camera - canon ixus 950 IS is ever reliable.

i was seated in the front seat of the car and with a speed fluctuating between 90 and 100 kms/hr, i have to be fully alert and always on guard, ready to take shots... this afternoon... i took these shots while on our way to the province of kampot from phnom penh taking the back roads through kep city. whew, that was a 165 kms trip on rough roads.

we were cruising through endless scenery of rice fields, palm trees and irrigations (the dig and flow type - the traditional way). this is the kind of trip that somehow inspires me on what i am doing workwise for i can sense that deep inside this luscious green scenery that is so soothing to the eyes and evoking a strong sense of relaxation are communities that are considered hard to reach in terms of access to social services.

somehow as one breezes through these sceneries, it all starts to blur... but this route is really out of the ordinary - shapes of mountains from a distance triggers a sense of awe and certain scenarios juts out that jag me to grab my camera and take shots...

here are my favorites on this trip.

postscript: the second photo is the result of my crude attempt on digital manipulation.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Olympus, Turkey

i was browsing through my photo files and i came across this photo that i took in turkey during our travel there last year. this photo was taken in olympus. an interesting place - have to travel downwards from the main highway to reach this spot - a good two hour drive. but its all worth it... coastal in location with smoldering volcano somewhere - we didn't actually see the natural fire that would randomly occur spewing from under the earth. as it is in all of turkey - this place abounds with artifacts and ruins of the ancient civilization. this place is particularly interesting as there is a thriving beach crowd awed with the sight of rock mountains, a cove like enclosure and sand dunes forming from the waves of the sea.

i will post more - once i get to fully have time to check on my photo archives.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

micah and ophelia

micah playing along with ophelia...
she is one cat that is so elusive but started to ask for attention from micah.
took the opportunity to take this photo as this is one milestone for both of them.

ophelia is our pet cat. she was adopted by michelle eight years ago right after she was born on international women's day. on weekends, this is the time of the week that the family would be spending the whole day together. micah loves this time of the week.

i started to notice that ophelia would crawl towards micah probably wanting to play with micah in her sort of shy way. what she does is just to lay near micah until micah would start petting her -- i would say - roughly - so we are always on guard. but ophelia enjoys having micah around her.

"smile... click..." always would give us this smile on cue... whenever she would hear it.

starting to get worried... or too tired scooting... or still thinking which one to explore next...

on the plane... for a 17 hr flight

micah as sweet as ever smiling before our take off for our 17 hour flight to bangkok

micah wearing her seatbelts.
probably the youngest passenger on the plane with the seatbelts on.

all smile after doing the required reading of the safety card - with belts on...

postscript: we took micah from her seat before take off. while cruising, made a small tent as she lay down, alternately, on sleep and play mode. the tent was helpful as this minimized the distraction from the turning on and off of the cabin lights.